Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Know He Won't Marry You

1. He doesn't talk about getting all.If your boyfriend refuses to talk about marriage and he knows it's important to you, that's a problem. Even if he is not ready to take that step, he should be mature enough to tell you. Be careful not to pressure a "yes". Marriage is a huge commitment not be taken lightly, so if he seems hesitant respect his decision. You have the choice to move on or accept the circumstances.

2. He won't introduce you to his family or friends. If he won't let you in to his inner circle, then that means you are on the outside. If he sees you as "wife" material he should be eager to see how you mesh with his family and friends. No excuses ladies. If he hasn't introduced you to the people in his life, there is a reason.

3. You give him no reason to get married. Why buy the cow, when you get the milk for free? Ladies, we need to distinguish behavior appropriate for a "girlfriend" and a "wife". If you live with your boyfriend, cook his meals, pick up his laundry, iron his shirts, have his children so on and so on what's the incentive? The fact is you have given him everything. Has he earned your time, your commitment, your life? Men like a chase, a prize to conquer. Don't be a default victory. Holding back doesn't mean you don't love him, it just means you love you.

4.  His ex's number is still in his phone. Sometimes we can carry old relationships into our news. He can have a love hangover and be coping through you. If he is ready for a future with you, he has to leave his ex in the past. 

5. Are you angry that he won't pop the question? Consider your options.
1.You could stay and wait.
2.You could leave.
It all depends on what you want to do. If you want a relationship that leads to marriage, then find someone who wants the same. We can't force others to be ready when we want them to. All you will get in return is a half-hearted commitment and resistant. Don't you deserve more?


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