Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tips On How To Make A Guy Fall For You

1. Lead by example. If you want to make someone fall in love with you, you'll have to fall in love with yourself first. Just as, if you want respect, you must demonstrate self-respect, no one worthy of your time is going to surrender their heart to someone who can't even impress themselves. Think of all the wonderful, interesting, clever, and enchanting parts of your personality and realize how valuable they make you as a person. If you can't think of many reasons to love yourself, love yourself anyhow. How you see yourself and treat yourself shows the rest of the world how you should be treated. Lead with an example of appreciation for the unique and fantastic person you are and others will follow. If you want to make someone fall in love with you, the first 'someone' should be YOU.

2. Challenge yourself and grow. Change is exciting. Change is a mystery. People who challenge themselves, grow, and transform have an aura of adventure that keeps other people interested. It also makes others want to come along for the ride. Keep learning, trying, embracing new parts of the universe. Make someone fall in love with you, and make sure they can't turn their attention away from you for fear they will miss your next exciting development.

3. Forgive. Forget. Be happy. You may have a lot of emotional baggage left over from past relationships. Perhaps you were mistreated or your trust was violated. Whatever happened in your past that still makes you angry, let go of it. Resenting old lovers sends a message to new lovers that they will be competing with history for your devotion. Be here now. Show the person you want to make fall in love with you that you are free, functional, and ready to fall in love again.

4. Be positive. There are worse ways to make someone fall in love with you than spilling joy and happiness into their lives. If you really want to make an impression, ditch the negativity and stand out from the crowd as a beacon of light and positivity. There's nothing more lovable than happiness.

5. Enjoy life. Make someone fall in love with you by showing your appreciation for life, big and small. Not just fun and exciting times, but dull and quiet times too. Be at peace and enjoy your cold cup of drive-thru coffee. Appreciate the mishaps, the storms, the losses as part of life, and keep focused on the bigger picture: the beauty of existence, not the minor misfortunes.

6. Be generous. People who give freely of their time and heart have no problem making someone else fall in love. In fact, their giving nature displays a confidence that makes them irresistible. Not only does it show your ability to sympathize with others, but it shows you are confident that you have more than enough of your heart and resources to share.

7. Have reasonable standards. If you're trying to make someone fall in love with you, have reasonable expectations of what and who that person really is. Even if you do make someone fall in love with you, don't expect that it will dramatically change or fix your life. Don't expect that someone to be perfect or anything more than they appeared to be before you decided to seduce them. Holding someone to an unrealistic and impossible standard is a great way to kill and amazing love affair.

8. No unconditional love. Love without conditions is something that happens between parents and children, family members, etc. It's not something that should happen in a relationship. Even if you are able to make someone fall in love with you, that doesn't mean you should accept whatever comes along. Hold onto your standards. Never let the one you want think that everything they do will be accepted. When you love a lover unconditionally, you become a doormat. Know how you should be treated and let the one you want know too.

9. Give them what they want. It's easy to make someone fall in love with you if you know what they really want. They don't even need to know what they want for you to give it to them. In fact, if you can fill a void that they weren't consciously aware of, the effect you have in their life will seem magical. Does the one you want need acceptance, companionship, excitement, stability? Take a look at their personality and life and see if there isn't some unknown need or want begging to be satisfied.

10. Never stop trying. Sure, you can make someone fall in love with you, but then what? If you stop trying to impress your love or lover, your relationship and love will be short lived. Approach making love like it was the first time, every time. Dress like it's your first date no matter how many times you've been out together. Never stop trying to impress the person you want. Keep trying and keep dazzling them. Make someone fall in love with you today... and tomorrow... and the next day.

11. Understand your man and why he does the things he does. A man needs a woman who can listen and not be judgmental, no matter how petty or dumb the conversation sounds. Listen and make comments that show concern. Pay attention to him and make him feel he is the only one in the world.

12. Develop a strong sense of humor. A man may think something is funny that a woman finds disgusting, but a woman might find herself needing to play along with the joke to win the man of her dreams.

13. Learn to cook. Dinners and a touch of romance make the heart grow fonder. Not all meals have to be five-star meals, but the taste is more important. Learn to cook his favorite foods, and you'll score even more points.

14. Brush up on your skills in the bedroom. Men enjoy a good time, and sexual activities are always one way to help in that department. Learn to experiment with different positions and types of sexual pleasure.

15. Keep a clean house. Keep everything tidy and never leave dirty dishes or dirty laundry lying around. It will make you look like you have it all together.

16. Always carry yourself with confidence. Hold your head high and never criticize yourself in front of a man and/or downplay your talents. For example if you've invited him to a party that you're hosting, don't criticize your own cooking or the place you call home. Don't constantly talk about the improvements you think you need to make. Instead talk about the things that make you happy, the things about you and your life you wouldn't change for the world. Do not apologize for who you are to anyone. Be confident, and happy and he will naturally be drawn to you.

17. Never dumb down for any man. If he can't handle your brilliance, your higher paying job etc. move on immediately.

18. Take care of your body. Looks are important. There is just no way around that. A man has to be attracted to you physically before he falls in love with you or is at least willing to spend some time with you. If you are not looking your best, or think you need to lose those pesky ten pounds start working out and eating healthy. Do not however announce this to him, you don't want to make it seem like you think you aren't good enough for him, instead do it quietly albeit with determination; like a lady. Taking care of your body will do wonders for your confidence, next thing you know you may have more suitors than you'll know what to do with.

19. Be financially independent. A man will know instantly whether or not you see him as a meal ticket and will drop you like a bad habit. If he's smart, he'll dump you right after he has gotten into your pants.

20. Do not talk about commitment on the first date, unless you don't want to have a second date with him. Commitment is something that arises naturally, once two people really get to know each other and are able to recognize how they compliment each other's lives. This process can not be hastened through endless "where is this relationship going" conversations. Meaning you can't verbally convince him that he should commit to you. What you can and should do is show him who you are and hope that you two are compatible. If time shows that you aren't compatible, you're actually much better off. Imagine the tears and money you'll save by not going through divorce in the future. Avoid the commitment talk like you would an STD. Never bring it up first. A man who loves you will commit to you. It will not be necessary for you to convince him that he should commit to you, he will figure that out on his own. If he doesn't, it's his loss and you should move on.

21. Keep your dates light hearted and fun. Being with you should seem like a getaway. Like a fabulous vacation. He should never dread spending time with you regardless of what you're doing together; be it just spending an evening at home or going out. Don't be clingy and concentrate on yourself, your job, hobbies, friends and family. Always operate from the premise that you are a catch because you are, and there is no one else like you out there.

22. Keep yourself educated and well informed. Read and keep up with events in the world. If all you can talk to him about is Sex and the City or American Idol you need to expand your horizons. Think about it this way; the country we live in is fighting two wars at the moment, a recession, we are in the midst of a historic presidential race etc., be able to carry a conversation on such topics.

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